WTC 0.5 standard 12 skjøter




  • Product
    Nexans specification
  • Nasjonal
    CSE C 69-31; CSE C 69-32; FT/FTRD/7095; FT/FTRD/7097

Watertight Closure for Fibre Optic Cables

  • 2 Cable ports,
  • Re-enterable, fully mechanical watertight system,
  • IP68 and pressurizable,
  • Capacity : 4 splice trays, 48 splices,
  • Multi-cable sealing system (up to 12 cables per port).


Cabling configuration :

  • 1 Standard port per side, each allowing up to 12 cables.


Splice management :

Four plastic splice trays allows to store and identify up to 48 Heat-Shrink splices. Plastic combs for buffer tubes and pig-tails retention are moulded in each tray.


Grounding :

  • Standard grounding assures electrical continuity between all cable ports (individual cable grounding is also available)


Cable anchoring :

  • WTC05 is compatible with the Nexans cable clamp range. 3 points cable clamps for extremely high cable retention, or simplified 1 point anchoring systems are available.

All configurations are modular and allow easy upgrades.


The main functions are :

  • to protect splices and bare fibers from the environment and unwanted handlers,
  • to efficiently and easily store, manage and identify FO splices and fibers.



Sealing system :

  • Fully mechanical sealing system for reduced installation and re-entry time.

The top shell, sealed with a gasket, can be easily installed and removed without special tools or torque control.

  • Cable sealing devices based on a mechanical compression system : this allows to re-use all components for future upgrades or re-access to the closure.

(No tape, glue, heat-shrink tubes, or cable jacket preparation is needed). 

Product usage

Sealing system

  • Fully mechanical sealing system for reduced installation and re-entry time.
    The top shell, sealed with a gasket, can be easily installed and removed without special tools or torque control.
  • Cable sealing devices based on a mechanical compression system: this allows to re-use all
    components for future upgrades or re-access to the closure. (No tape, glue, heat-shrink tubes, or cable jacket preparation is needed).
    The mechanical sealing system perfectly fits cables blowing technology.


Standard grounding assures electrical continuity between all cable ports (an external grounding plug is also available).

Splice management

Four plastic splice trays allows to store and identify up to 48 Heat-Shrink splices. Plastic combs for buffer tubes and pigtails retention are integrated in each tray.

Cabling clamping

WTC0,5 is compatible with the Nexans clamping device range which includes 3 points cable clamps for extremely high cable retention, or simplified 1 point anchoring systems for cables and tubes.







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