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We have many reasons to work with sustainability.
And even more reasons to hurry.
- Electrification with E3
- Big Player - big responsibility
- Top marks in global CSR work
- Credible communication
- What we do for sustainability
Climate change is already here and the consequences are becoming clearer, more numerous and more serious every day. For people, nature and animals.
Rapid electrification is perhaps the most important measure society can take to slow down the trend and achieve the climate targets to which the EU and Norway have committed.
Electrification with E3
Our mission to electrify the future therefore feels extremely important. However, it is crucial that electrification can be done in a responsible way, taking into account all three aspects of sustainability: social, economic and ecological.
We have chosen to call these three areas "E3" (Engagement, Environment and Economics) and they form the backbone of our business plan.
You can see more about what Nexans Norway Distribution & Usage (D&U) do in each area further down the page, or by following the shortcuts.
- People are our most important resource. That's why safety is always our number one priority.
- Slowing down climate change is perhaps the most important task we all have: that's why CO2 reduction is a particularly high priority. Here you can read more about Nexans' CO₂ reduction locally at Langhus.
What we do locally (D&U):
Big player = Big impact = Big responsibility
Nexans is a big, global company. In our ecosystem of employees, customers, suppliers and countries we operate in, we have significant impact and power.
But with great power comes great responsibility - a responsibility we're ready to take on. Both globally and locally.
Responsibility is reflected in the goals and initiatives we commit to, as well as what we actually do.
What we do locally (D&U):
We have a global target to reach Net Zero by 2050 (Scope 1, 2 & 3) according to the Science Based Targets Initiative. Increased circularity is a necessity to reach Net Zero.

We are of course committed to the UN Compact and have processes, systems, training and whistleblowing functions to ensure human rights, anti-corruption and environmental responsibility along the entire value chain.
Here you can read more about how we comply with the Transparency Act through our due diligence.
Top marks in global CSR work
Independent scrutiny of our sustainability work is important to provide credibility and to ensure high performance and continuous improvement
We are proud to have top marks in CSR in various third-party assessments for 3 years in a row. Such as EcoVadis Platinum.
More info about this to come.

Credible communication
Greenwashing is important to avoid as it can lead to users being misled or losing motivation to contribute positively.
Transparency, facts, concrete examples and documentation, preferably verified by a third party, are therefore always our goal.
At the same time, we are humbled by the fact that the field of sustainability is constantly evolving. What is perceived as truth today may not be tomorrow. Together we learn the most and the fastest.
Are you questioning something we've said or written? Challenge us - it makes us all better.
Here you can read more about what Nexans Norway D&U do within the E3 areas:
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