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Thermoplastic insulation (TPI): the material of the future for MV cables

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We're investing in future-oriented technology and materials with short-distance, Nordic production of Medium Voltage (MV) cables with TPI. TPI is even more robust than PEX and has several environmental benefits compared to traditional solutions. Read on to see all the benefits.

What is thermoplastic? 

TPI is a future-oriented plastic material that becomes mouldable (plastic) when heated, and with each new heating. In addition to mixing well with other plastics. This makes it easier to remelt and recycle than cables with cross-linked molecules like PEX. 

But you don't have to change the way you work. Our TPI cables are 100% compatible with existing equipment and techniques, so you can use the same tools and preparation as when working with similar cables. In addition, you can use the same splices and end terminations - and splice together with PEX.

More robust material: 

Research, tests and pilots show that TPI is a very robust material with good electrical properties and protection against external stresses.

  • High emergency load capacity: Naturally, high loads should be avoided to prevent unnecessary loss. But in emergency situations, it can be an advantage that TPI can handle a high emergency load.
  • Resistance to water ingress: Research conducted in collaboration with SINTEF shows that TPI is more resistant in regards to moisture than similar PEX cables. This ensures a long service life and reliability. 

More circular solutions

  • Recycling: Unlike PEX, TPI can be remelted and mixes with other plastics without problems. This will contribute to easier cable recycling.
  • Lower energy consumption: The manufacture of the TPI material and the production of TPI cables require less energy, which contributes to a smaller footprint.
  • Less wreckage: The production of MV cables with TPI produces less scrap than equivalent production with PEX. In addition, we will eventually re-melt the production scrap from TPI and reuse it in our own production without having to send the scrap for energy recovery, as PEX requires. Optimised production and simpler recycling mean less material waste.


Locally sourced from the Nordic region

Thermoplastic insulation is already widespread in Italy, the Netherlands and Spain - and included in the NEK HD 620 12K standard. This confirms the reliability and quality of the material. 

Nexans has invested in short-distance, Nordic production of MV cables with TPI. And with production located in the Nordic region, we can help deliver short-distance cable solutions that not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport, but also help strengthen local businesses.

The new production facility in Grimsås is currently being commissioned and will be in commercial operation during 2025. 


TSLF becomes Nexans YSLF

Our new medium-voltage cable will be called Nexans YSLF, where ‘Y’ stands for thermoplastic insulation. In addition to its circular benefits, YSLF will contain low-carbon aluminium which will significantly reduce its footprint.

FL-EXXE first to go

Our FL-EXXE distribution cable is the first cable in Norway to use TPI. It is manufactured in Norway, has at least 30% recycled material in the sheath and has 50% less greenhouse gas emissions compared to TFXP with the same application. 

But the FL-EXXE doesn't just use more forward-thinking materials - it's also quicker to install!

► See the new FL-EXXE here

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